We are fortunate to have the services of a Wellbeing Mentor (Chaplain) who works with our students. Students, teachers and parents can use an appointment system to book time with the Chaplain.

John Winters is our school Wellbeing Mentor (Chaplain) and has been provided to us by the Lifewalk Trust.

From the Lifewalk Trust website;

The need for extra support in schools and in the lives of young people and their whānau is greater than ever. If young people have positive connections with trusted adults, they can grow in emotional health that sets them up to have greater resilience throughout life.

Chaplains are gifted and experienced with children and young people. They seek to provide a safe, professional, confidential presence for the school and community. Whilst they are personally committed to Christian values and beliefs, they are expected to be sensitive to others values and beliefs. The chaplain will not impose religion on anyone or promote any particular denomination or church group. Chaplains contribute in a voluntary role to the pastoral care network of the whole school. They are conscious of personal dignity and appreciative of diversity.

Chaplains can do any or all of the following:

  • Get alongside a student in a non-judgement manner and encourage them to work through their issues so they generate constructive solutions.
  • Work with students struggling with peer pressure, self control, or authority issues.
  • Support children with learning needs.
  • Assist staff/children at times of illness, grief or personal difficulties.

Chaplains are:

  • Great listeners.
  • Caring.
  • Able to relate to a wide range of people.
  • Understand and provide confidentiality.
  • Approachable, flexible and adaptable.
  • Non judgemental in their approach.
  • Understanding of school policies.