Term 3 Review
Term 3 was a busy term full of dance and art for the Manuka team. We all enjoyed learning about the artist Keith Haring and creating our own art pieces inspired by his work. We learnt how people use dance as a way of expressing their thoughts and feelings. We learnt about the elements of dance and how they can be combined to express yourself through any style of dance. We had a great time creating our own dances and finding the elements of dance in other dances we watched. We also had our Year 3 speech competition and our Year 1 and 2 Poetry Recital – well done to all Manuka students who participated and placed in these events! A big welcome to all the new students who have joined us in Room 5 this term, we hope you are enjoying your first start to school in Team Manuka!
Looking Forward to Term 4
This term will be a fun filled term for Team Manuka. We are putting the final touches on our pieces for the Art Exhibition as well as starting a new topic for the term. This term we will be learning about animals, their habitats and how they adapt to changes in their environment. As part of this learning, we will be going on a team trip to Auckland Zoo on November 16th. We will have a session with an educator and have a chance to look around the zoo ourselves to identify and compare different habitats. More notices about this will be sent home and available on line later in the next few weeks. We will be learning about how animals have had to adapt because of the presence of humans and how we can minimise our impact animals and their habitats. We are looking forward to another jam packed term full and fun and learning together.