For all enquiries please contact
We currently have places available (ten weeks or more) for International Students for 2025.
Applications will be considered for all year groups.
Short Term Study
2025 Term 3 Enrolments – Six weeks or longer – INQUIRIES WELCOME
Code of Practice
Pigeon Mountain Primary school has agreed to observe and be bound by the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students published by the Minister of Education. Copies of the code are available from this institution or from the NZ Ministry of Education website at
Full details of visa and permit requirements, advice on rights to employment in New Zealand while studying and reporting requirements are available through the New Zealand Immigration Service, and can be viewed on their website at
Health and Travel Insurance
Students are not entitled to publicly funded health services while in New Zealand unless they are:
- A resident or citizen of Australia; or
- A national of the United Kingdom in NZ; or
- The holder of a temporary permit that is valid for 2 years or more.
If you don’t belong to one of these special categories and you received medical treatment during your visit, you will be liable for the full costs of that treatment. You are required to have insurance that will cover the cost of medical treatment in New Zealand for the duration of your stay in New Zealand. We also strongly recommend that you obtain insurance to cover your travel to and from New Zealand.
You may prefer to obtain this insurance in your home country, but some NZ based providers include;
Other providers of travel insurance are available, and we do not endorse any particular brand. Choose the one which suits your needs the best.

Programme Overview
Students are fully integrated into the mainstream NZ educational setting, covering all areas of our National Curriculum. This covers;
Oral language | Written language | Listening skills |
Conversational Skills | Spelling | Handwriting |
Vocabulary extension | Functional language | Visual language |
Phonics | Reading | Mathematics |
Drama | Art | Music |
Dance | Physical Education | ICT |
Te reo Māori | Science | Social Sciences |
Long term students are assessed on entry to our school using a variety of assessment tools including the ELLS Language Framework to ensure their programme is suitable. Assessment is used in an ongoing way to measure progress and report it to parents.
Long term students are also enrolled in our ELLS withdrawal programme, taught by a fully qualified ESOL teacher in small groups to ensure each child receives optimum attention. These lessons are ability based in order to meet each learner’s needs.
Attending ELLS sessions ensures that International students achieve a high level of competency in English language, gain self confidence, experience NZ language and culture, and ultimately transition into mainstream classes successfully.
Enrolment Procedures
Please email all enquiries for short term study to
Should a space be available you will be invited to complete an International Student Enrolment form.
- The International Student’s parents complete the International Student Enrolment Form.
- The application is submitted for approval, to International Student Committee from the Board of Trustees, consisting of the Principal and the International Manager.
- Once the application has been approved, a Letter of Acceptance of Application, (Offer of Place), together with an invoice for Tuition Fees, is forwarded to the parent.
- A Tuition Agreement is signed between the School and the Student’s parents and payment of the fee is made. The amount of the fee is determined by the term of tuition chosen by the Student. A copy of this Agreement is given to the Student.
- Once payment of the International Fee has been made, a receipt is issued.
- The Student can now apply to the Immigration Office for a Student Visa, showing the receipt and Tuition Agreement to support their application. The visa or permit must be endorsed with the name of the school at which the student is seeking to enrol.
- Once the appropriate Visa is obtained, the Student is in a position to commence studies at Pigeon Mountain Primary School on the date agreed to in the Tuition Agreement.
Conditions of Acceptance
- Pigeon Mountain Primary School accepts International students from Year 0 to Year 6.
- Parents must be willing to sign the Tuition Agreement and abide by the School’s rules as they apply to all students, including International Students
- The School reserves the right to place the student in the appropriate year level based on the student’s age and academic competency.
- Students will only be accepted if there is sufficient space available in the school.
- All applications will be approved by the Board of Trustees or their elected committee.
Refund Conditions
- To be eligible for a refund of the International Fee, an application must be made in writing to the Board of Trustees by the parent or legal guardian of the student stating clearly the reason for withdrawal of the student.
- If the withdrawal is made prior to the student commencing school, a full refund shall be made, less $1000.00 administration fee.
- There will be no refund if a request to withdraw is made after the student has reached the mid point of his/her contract except in exceptional circumstances, e.g. a Breach of the Fair Trading Act or Consumer’s Guarantee Act.
- In determining any refund, the Board of Trustees will take into consideration the special circumstances of the withdrawing student and –
– The costs to the school in providing the tuition
-Costs incurred in employing staff and providing facilities
-Payments made to the New Zealand Government.
-Any other costs already incurred by the school.
No refund will be made to a student who –
- Transfers to another school or educational institution
- Is asked to leave because of misbehavior, poor attendance or violation of the contract with the school.
- Becomes a permanent resident after the 1st of March (in any year) if enrolled in the school prior to the 1st of March.
CPPCIS – 5.2.6
Fees Protection
The Board will not spend International School Fees until the tuition has been provided. All international fees will be kept in a separate deposit account.
The Board will always have sufficient reserves to be able to return to students their fees in the event of a student refund being required, or because the school is unable to continue to provide tuition.
This policy is in keeping with the Code of Practice for the Pastoral care of International Students.
Disputes and Complaints
- Guidance on how to deal with complaints can be found at
- Information and rules about the Student Contract Dispute Resolution Scheme can be found at