
Board Update- 1st March

Board Update 鸽子山小学校董会关于新型冠状病毒的卫生管理政策更新(01/03/2020) We were notified on Friday that New Zealand had confirmed our first case of COVID-19, and received a positive communication from the Ministry of Health which reassured us that the measures we [...]

By |1st March 2020|BOT Newsletters, School Newsletters|

Term 1 Newsletter 2

From the Principal   The first term is well and truly underway- the holidays seem a far off memory! Our opening first month of school has been wonderful- we reflect on what a great community we [...]

By |24th February 2020|School Newsletters|

Term 1 Newsletter 1

From the Principal Welcome back to the 2020 academic year! We hope that all the families in our community had an enjoyable holiday break and have returned with recharged batteries, enthusiastic about everything 2020 has [...]

By |10th February 2020|School Newsletters|

Health Update- Week 2 Term 1

We are grateful to our community for your supportive response this week regarding our updates and measures that we are taking during the ongoing Coronavirus situation. As a board, we have established two simple goals [...]

By |9th February 2020|BOT Newsletters, School Newsletters|

Start of Term Update

Dear Pigeon Mountain Community Many thanks for making the first day of 2020 such an enjoyable experience! We have enjoyed welcoming a huge number of new students, and a group of new teachers, and the [...]

By |3rd February 2020|BOT Newsletters, School Newsletters|

School Update- 26th January 2020

In order to provide reassurance to our school community about how we are taking action to maintain the health of all at Pigeon Mountain School, we would like to provide a further update about some [...]

By |27th January 2020|BOT Newsletters, School Newsletters|

Pre Term 1 2020 Newsletter

We are now less than 2 weeks from the start of the new academic year, and preparations are underway in school for the arrival of the students on 3rd February. The school website is a [...]

By |23rd January 2020|School Newsletters|

Term 4 Newsletter 5

From the Principal The final week of the 2019 year is here! By 3pm on Friday, we will have wrapped up the 2019 academic year, and it is a great time to take stock and [...]

By |16th December 2019|Classes, School Newsletters|

Term 4 Newsletter 4

From the Principal Zoning Changes We recently received a proposal from Macleans Primary School to establish a zone which impacts on our current enrolment zone. If you live in the following streets, you should be [...]

By |2nd December 2019|Classes, School Newsletters|

Term 4 Newsletter 3

From the Principal          Staffing News It is with mixed feelings that we announce the departure of our amazing Deputy Principal Tracy Leader at the end of the 2019 year. We are delighted [...]

By |18th November 2019|Classes, School Newsletters|
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