Return at L2; Procedures for start and end of day
Please note; Our preference is for students to be dropped and collected from the school gate in order to reduce the number of adults on site. For those unable to do this, we [...]
Please note; Our preference is for students to be dropped and collected from the school gate in order to reduce the number of adults on site. For those unable to do this, we [...]
Level 2- School Reopening 全国二级预警 – 学校重新开放 Dear Community 亲爱的鸽子山小学社区, We were excited to learn this afternoon that New Zealand will be shifting from Alert Level 3 to Level 2 from Thursday. The Prime Minister [...]
21/04/2020 Dear Pigeon Mountain Community, 亲爱的鸽子山小学社区, We hope that Term 2 and our distance learning programme has been a success for you so far. We know there will have been any number of challenges for [...]
Monday 13th April 2020年4月13日周一 Dear Community 亲爱的鸽子山小学社区, Many thanks for your ongoing and support during the initial 2 weeks of lockdown. It has been exciting to hear so many positive stories, from students, parents and [...]
Pigeon Mountain School - COVID-19 UPDATE 鸽子山小学关于新型冠状病毒管理的更新通知(23/03/2020) Dear Parent 各位亲爱的家长们: We have just heard from the Prime Minister that the Alert Level for NZ has been lifted to the level where schools are affected- Level [...]
Saturday 21 March Announcement and Implications (22/03/2020) 鸽子山小学针对2020年3月21日周六新西兰总理的全国电视讲话做出的更新管理通知(22/03/2020) Kia ora Whanau, 亲爱的鸽子山小学的家人们大家好! With Saturday’s announcement (LINK) that New Zealand has moved to Alert Level 2 – Reduce Contact for COVID-19 (LINK), people over 70 years [...]
COVID-19 Update from MoE (19/03/2020) 新西兰教育部关于新型冠状病毒的最新通知(19/03/2020) Kia ora koutou 大家好! With so much information and misinformation swirling around about COVID-19, I wanted to share with you what will happen if we were to have a [...]
PMPS BOT Update on COVID-19 Prevention and Hygiene Management (18/03/2020) 鸽子山小学校董会关于新型冠状病毒的卫生管理通知更新(18/03/2020) Dear Parents, students and our school community, 各位家长,同学们大家好! We have recently received further guidance and information about COVID-19 from the Ministry of Education and [...]
The Board of Trustees would like to share an update we received from the Ministry of Education this week. This update should be read alongside our previous updates around health, wellbeing and hygiene. Kia ora [...]
From the Principal It is important that we retain some perspective in the current virus situation- we are being bombarded with information and media which is often confronting or using shock to gain our attention. [...]