
Term 3 Newsletter 3

From the Principal  It is a great pleasure to have our students back in school following our second lockdown period of 2020. Once again, it was a privilege to be part of a highly supportive [...]

By |7th September 2020|School Newsletters|

Arrangements for Return to School- Monday 31st August

This short clip sets out the arrangements for our return to school. Or follow this link to view clip.

By |30th August 2020|BOT Newsletters, General, School Newsletters|

Arrangements for Monday 31st August

This short clip sets out the arrangements for our return to school on Monday 31st August 2020. Or watch through this link

By |30th August 2020|BOT Newsletters, General, School Newsletters|

Board Update- Return to School at Alert Level 2- Procedures

Dear Community Attached with this update is a document with details about our new school procedures from Monday 31st August when we re-open under Alert Level 2. Please take time to read this document and [...]

By |26th August 2020|BOT Newsletters, General, School Newsletters|

COVID-19 Return to Level 2

Dear Pigeon Mountain Community 亲爱的鸽子山小学社区: We learned this afternoon that we would be re-opening school for face to face learning on Monday. 我们今天下午获悉学校将于下周一重新开放面对面教学。 This means that our distance learning programmes will close on Friday and [...]

By |24th August 2020|BOT Newsletters, General, School Newsletters|

COVID-19 Board Update- 23rd August 2020

We are watching unfolding events and we have commenced planning for the next week, and have actions in place for a continuation of Alert Level 3, as well as planning for a move to Alert [...]

By |23rd August 2020|BOT Newsletters, General, School Newsletters|

Term 3 Newsletter 2

From the Principal Our first Principal’s eMail Group since the return to school, post-lockdown has now been completed. The focus for the questions was looking at students’ return to school. The submissions are impressive and [...]

By |10th August 2020|School Newsletters|

Term 3 Newsletter 1

From the Principal This week we are holding our first face-to-face conferences of the year. Following the success of the Wellbeing Conferences, conducted online during Lockdown, this is your first opportunity to sit alongside both [...]

By |27th July 2020|School Newsletters|

Term 2 Newsletter 3

  From the Principal We are in the final stages of what has been a VERY long term, and heading to a well-deserved 2 week break. It is important that you take time to reflect [...]

By |23rd June 2020|School Newsletters|

Term 2 Newsletter 2

From the Principal  It is likely that we will be returning to Alert Level 1 at some point in the coming few weeks. This is down to the hard work of amazing Kiwis. What are [...]

By |8th June 2020|School Newsletters|
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