Follow this Author: Wendy Hosking

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Wendy Hosking

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So far Wendy Hosking has created 103 posts.

Term 4 Newsletter 1

From the Prinicpal We hope the community enjoyed a relaxing holiday break, and the feeling that things are perhaps settling down to normal after another period of disruption! During the break, I read with interest [...]

By |19th October 2020|School Newsletters|

Term 3 Newsletter 4

From the Principal Term 3 closes this Thursday at 3pm. As with Terms 1 and 2, it was not without disruption! For the third term this year, our teachers and students coped with a lockdown, [...]

By |21st September 2020|School Newsletters|

Term 3 Newsletter 3

From the Principal  It is a great pleasure to have our students back in school following our second lockdown period of 2020. Once again, it was a privilege to be part of a highly supportive [...]

By |7th September 2020|School Newsletters|

Term 3 Newsletter 2

From the Principal Our first Principal’s eMail Group since the return to school, post-lockdown has now been completed. The focus for the questions was looking at students’ return to school. The submissions are impressive and [...]

By |10th August 2020|School Newsletters|

Term 3 Newsletter 1

From the Principal This week we are holding our first face-to-face conferences of the year. Following the success of the Wellbeing Conferences, conducted online during Lockdown, this is your first opportunity to sit alongside both [...]

By |27th July 2020|School Newsletters|

Term 2 Newsletter 3

  From the Principal We are in the final stages of what has been a VERY long term, and heading to a well-deserved 2 week break. It is important that you take time to reflect [...]

By |23rd June 2020|School Newsletters|

Term 2 Newsletter 2

From the Principal  It is likely that we will be returning to Alert Level 1 at some point in the coming few weeks. This is down to the hard work of amazing Kiwis. What are [...]

By |8th June 2020|School Newsletters|

Term 1 Newsletter 3

From the Principal It is important that we retain some perspective in the current virus situation- we are being bombarded with information and media which is often confronting or using shock to gain our attention. [...]

By |9th March 2020|School Newsletters|

Term 1 Newsletter 2

From the Principal   The first term is well and truly underway- the holidays seem a far off memory! Our opening first month of school has been wonderful- we reflect on what a great community we [...]

By |24th February 2020|School Newsletters|

Term 1 Newsletter 1

From the Principal Welcome back to the 2020 academic year! We hope that all the families in our community had an enjoyable holiday break and have returned with recharged batteries, enthusiastic about everything 2020 has [...]

By |10th February 2020|School Newsletters|