Follow this Author: Wendy Hosking

Follow this Author: Wendy Hosking

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Wendy Hosking

About Wendy Hosking

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So far Wendy Hosking has created 103 posts.

Term 2 Newsletter 5

From the Principal As with most large organisations, we take our responsibility to the environment seriously. You will have noticed that we no longer send brightly coloured, printed paper newsletters on a monthly basis, and we [...]

By |24th June 2019|School Newsletters|

Term 2 Newsletter 4

From the Prinicpal You may have heard in the budget that the government has made the decision to allocate additional funding to Decile 1-7 schools in place of requesting donations from parents. Whilst this creates [...]

By |10th June 2019|School Newsletters|

Term 2, Newsletter 3

From the Principal Our school Board elections are fast approaching, and we have sufficient applicants to hold an election to select the 6 members of our school board for the coming 3 year term. A [...]

By |23rd May 2019|School Newsletters|