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Ian Dickinson

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So far Ian Dickinson has created 25 posts.

COVID-19 Update: 14th March 2022

Dear Community Thank you for your support and unity in recent weeks. The first month of the new academic year has been a challenging time for all New Zealanders, and Auckland/Counties Manukau in general have [...]

By |14th March 2022|BOT Newsletters, General, School Newsletters|

COVID-19 Community Update 10th November 2021

Dear Community 亲爱的鸽子山小学社区 We learned today that primary schools would be reopening on Weds 17th November. 我们今天获悉小学将会在下周三11月17日重新开放。 There are a number of details contained in the Minister's speech which we learned about whilst watching the [...]

By |10th November 2021|BOT Newsletters, School Newsletters|

COVID-19 Update – 12th October 2021

Dear Community 亲爱的鸽子山小学社区: We learned yesterday that schools would not be reopening for onsite learning at the start of Term 4, and that Auckland would be remaining at Alert Level 3. 我们昨天已经获悉奥克兰将保持三级预警,学校在第四学期开学时不会重新开放。 This means that [...]

By |12th October 2021|BOT Newsletters, General, School Newsletters|

COVID ALERT LEVEL 3 UPDATE; 28th February 2021

Dear Community We learned last night that Auckland will be returning to Alert Level 3. This means that school will be closed for all students OTHER THAN THOSE OF ESSENTIAL WORKERS. Online Learning Our teachers [...]

By |28th February 2021|BOT Newsletters, School Newsletters|

Board Update- Alert Level 2.5

Dear Community 亲爱的鸽子山小学社区 We learned from the Prime Minister earlier today that we would be remaining at Alert Level 2.5 for at least another week. 我们今天下午已经获悉总理宣布奥克兰的2.5级预警还将持续至少一周。 For us, this means there will be no change [...]

By |14th September 2020|BOT Newsletters, General, School Newsletters|

Arrangements for Return to School- Monday 31st August

This short clip sets out the arrangements for our return to school. Or follow this link to view clip.

By |30th August 2020|BOT Newsletters, General, School Newsletters|

Arrangements for Monday 31st August

This short clip sets out the arrangements for our return to school on Monday 31st August 2020. Or watch through this link

By |30th August 2020|BOT Newsletters, General, School Newsletters|

Board Update- Return to School at Alert Level 2- Procedures

Dear Community Attached with this update is a document with details about our new school procedures from Monday 31st August when we re-open under Alert Level 2. Please take time to read this document and [...]

By |26th August 2020|BOT Newsletters, General, School Newsletters|

COVID-19 Return to Level 2

Dear Pigeon Mountain Community 亲爱的鸽子山小学社区: We learned this afternoon that we would be re-opening school for face to face learning on Monday. 我们今天下午获悉学校将于下周一重新开放面对面教学。 This means that our distance learning programmes will close on Friday and [...]

By |24th August 2020|BOT Newsletters, General, School Newsletters|

COVID-19 Board Update- 23rd August 2020

We are watching unfolding events and we have commenced planning for the next week, and have actions in place for a continuation of Alert Level 3, as well as planning for a move to Alert [...]

By |23rd August 2020|BOT Newsletters, General, School Newsletters|