Haere mai! Welcome back for Term 3!

I trust that you have had a pleasant winter break. A special welcome to all of our new whānau joining us this term, whether your children are starting as 5-year-olds in New Entrants or you have recently moved into the area. We hope you have had a wonderful start at Pigeon Mountain Primary School and that you will soon feel connected to our sense of ‘Education with a Heart.’

Staff Introductions

This week we also welcome a few new staff to our team. 

Jason Cox has joined our Māhuri team as part of our Classroom Release Teaching staff and will also teach one day a week in Room 17. After 6 years, we are delighted to welcome him back to PMPS and know that he will add another special element to the Māhuri learning programme. 

Amanda Williams is part of Puriri Team and is the new teacher in Room 3. This is Amanda’s first teaching position after completing a very successful final practicum in another local school. Amanda is a mother of two and is now looking forward to being a part of the PMPS team!

Liz Ross is joining our ESOL team for 5 weeks to teach the short-term international students who arrived from China this week. Liz recently moved to Auckland after serving as Principal of Kawakawa Primary School for 10 years. We are excited to welcome her and look forward to the experience and expertise she brings to our team.

Additionally, we want to thank Fi Blest for her contributions to Māhuri this year. Starting from Term 3, Fi will be the new teacher for our New Entrant class in Room 9. We will miss Brittany Morron when she departs this week, but we congratulate Layne Tupou, who will take over the responsibilities of Puriri Team Leader upon Brittany’s departure.

SCHOOL CROSS COUNTRY – Friday 26th July  (Saving Day Monday 29th July)

Our 2024 School Cross Country Event is to be held on Friday 26th July. All students have been training for this event in their class fitness programme and parents are welcome to attend as spectators. We ask that parents please stick to demarcated areas provided.  

Children will need to bring the following to school:

  • Sports Gear 
    • House T-Shirt, school sports shorts, running shoes (optional). 
    • Junior students can wear shorts and a coloured T-shirt that matches the colour of their house group.
  • School Jacket / School Polar fleece
  • Towel to sit
  • Drink Bottle (water)


  • Years 4 – 6     Cross country will be at 9:15 am.
  • Years 0 – 3     Cross country will start at 11.15 am.   

Wells Road footpath maintenance from Wednesday 24th July

We need to advise you of planned maintenance on Wells Road beginning tomorrow. 

What: There will be temporary traffic signs (like stop/go signs) and traffic lights and a lower speed limit. Temporary vehicle access to residents and PMPS staff only will be maintained. On-street parking will be limited during the 3 weeks of work. 

Where: Wells Road

When (start date): 24th July 2024

Hours of Work: 7am to 7pm

For (duration): 3 weeks

We ask that everyone is super vigilant and look at possible alternatives for drop off and pick up. 

We will continue to provide our temporary road crossing on Wells Road during this time. We ask that you make the effort to walk just a little bit further to cross at this patrolled area. 

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