From the Principal
We are very grateful to everyone who attended our end of year prizegiving events over the past week. The level of effort from each of the teams which went into their presentations has been staggering, and we hope you found them rewarding and enjoyable.
The final few days will see us complete our preparations for 2024 with more classroom visits and rearrangement of classrooms prior to the holiday break.
Our final act of 2023 will be the closing assembly on Friday afternoon which will be getting underway at around 2.30pm under the canopy- children will bring their bags along to this assembly, and will be dismissed at 3pm once the assembly is finished. Please feel free to come along and join us celebrate the end of the 2023 academic year!
Classroom visits to 2024 rooms take place on Weds 13 Dec from 1.45pm.
We say goodbye to Sara Tsang at the end of this year. Sara has been appointed to a classroom teacher position at Diocesan School for Girls. She has been with us since mid-2016, moving into a Team Leader position at the start of 2022. We appreciate Sara’s hard work and dedication to our school and wish her well in her new role.
We also farewell Rebecca Trotter at the end of term. Rebecca is in her second spell at our school, having returned to us at the start of 2016. She had previously been part of the staff team in the early 2000’s. Rebecca leaves us to take up a full-time sport position at St Kents school. She has provided our students with sports instruction as part of her CRT role, as well as promoting many other sporting and team opportunities during her time with us. We wish her well at her new school.
Mental Health Education
Mr Marshall would like to thank Manuka, Pohutukawa and Kahikatea teams for showcasing the learning that has been happening in their teams in regards to mental health education this term. We hope that this has given you further insight into how our school teaches mental health education. In Term 1, 2024 we will visit our other three teams Kauri, Titoki and Puriri.
Dates for your Diary
Weds 13th December -Christmas Dress Down Day
Friday 15 December – Closing Assembly 2.30pm School finishes at 3 pm
Tuesday 30 January 2024 – Term 1 commences