From the Principal

At the end of last week we completed a planned update of rooms 1-6 and their bathroom spaces, and the return to these rooms and reinstatement of our library are imminent. We are very pleased with the final results of the modernisation, and we are also very pleased to have the library open again for students at breaktime and lunchtime! The fencing and compound area alongside the library will be removed this week and our students will be able to move around school without diversions!

HOWEVER, the fences and compounds are on the move to the Loloma side of school ahead of the next modernisation project. For the next couple of months, the Loloma grass area will be reserved for building materials and equipment being used for the construction of decks and canopies in the classrooms adjacent to the orchard. This will NOT impact on access to school through the Loloma gate, but there may be times during the day when building vehicles will be entering and exiting this grassed area in a controlled access-way close to the Loloma crossing. We anticipate this project stretching into August, but we look forward to seeing the results of the builders’ hard work!

During this time, we suggest that parents use Wells Road entrance if visiting school between 9am and 2.30pm to drop or collect children.

Keeping Us Safe

Please continue to wear a face mask when you are on the school site for the safety of our students and staff. We have a plentiful supply of masks- please ask one of our staff for a mask and they will be happy to provide one should you need it.

Keeping in Touch

We use 3 channels for day-to-day communication of school news and events. Please ensure you are subscribed to at least one of these channels.

Skool Loop

Download the app from Apple or Google app stores and subscribe to our school. We use Skool Loop to send push notifications about upcoming events and dates.


We use a school Facebook page to share daily news, photos and information with Facebook users who are following the school account.


Primarily used in the Chinese community, we operate WeChat in exactly the same way as Facebook. Use the QR code to link to the school WeChat account. Please request to be added to the school chat group by sending our administrator a message including your child’s name and room number.





If your child is going to be absent or late to school can we please ask that you use  either the absence button on the school website or Skoolloop App to ensure that our Administration Staff are aware. This is the most effective way to ensure all absences and lateness are record accurately. 

Please do not rely on your child’s Classroom Teacher to pass on messages relating to absence, lateness or early collection- they have a busy job as it is!

Your child can keep you informed too!

Our Year 4 to 6 students have access to our school Daily Notices through the Ludi platform. Ask your child to log into their school Gmail account, access their Basic Facts platform, and they will be able to read the daily notices for the day, as well as being able to search for notices which have been recently made, or are about to be made in coming days. We are encouraging these older students to make a habit of checking the notices each day when they arrive at school. The Ludi platform is common to our school, as well as BBI, which makes the habit of checking something which will prove to be VERY useful to them when they head to intermediate.

Encourage your child to access and navigate to the Daily Notices section.

Counselling Services at PMPS

A reminder from the last newsletter that we are fortunate to have the services of a number of Counsellors working in our school.

  • John – Lifewalk Trust
  • Yajun – AUT Practicum Counsellor
  • Taalia – AUT Practicum Counsellor
  • Jessica – AUT Practicum Counsellor

If you feel your child would benefit from speaking with one of our counsellors, please make contact with your Classroom Teacher and they will help arrange a day and time for them to speak. 

Please note, that all sessions are confidential and all counsellors understand and follow Pigeon Mountain Primary School policies.

House Non-Uniform Day: Kiwi House ONLY

The results of the Term 1 house competitions have been compiled and KIWI house will be rewarded with a non-uniform day on Friday 10th June! Yellow Kiwi colours are encouraged, but not compulsory! This non-uniform day is only for KIWI house members only! Please check with your child’s teacher if you are unsure of what house they belong to.

Events Coming up THIS Term

-HPPA Chess Competition

-Hockey Field Day

-Class Photos

-Matariki Public Holiday

-Kiwi English, Maths and Science Competitions

Please check the school calendar for the dates.

Community Notices

Girl Guiding  New Zealand


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