Dear Community

We learned yesterday that schools would not be reopening for onsite learning at the start of Term 4, and that Auckland would be remaining at Alert Level 3.

This means that distance learning will resume on Monday 18th October, and online platforms and programmes will pick up where they left off at the close of Term 3. We expect a further update next Monday on the status of schools and potential reopening.

Effectively, school remains closed other than for the children of essential workers who have no adults to support with care and supervision. We have contacted the small number of families who attended ‘Bubble School’ previously under Alert Level 3 about our arrangements for this term.

We are now 8 weeks into the current lockdown and our teachers have been full of praise for the support you are providing your children. Your commitment to their learning, their routines and their connections is incredible and we are proud to be part of the Pigeon Mountain community – He waka eke noa.
迄今为止这一阶段的居家隔离已有八周,我们学校和老师们诚挚地感谢您对孩子们所提供的的帮助和支持。大家为孩子们的网课学校,居家学习日常和他们与学校的连接做出了难以置信的努力和贡献。我们为鸽子山小学社区而自豪 – 齐心协力,共渡难关!

As always, we will keep you informed and updated as the latest information comes to hand.

Ian Dickinson

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