From the Principal
This weekend saw a number of enjoyable events that reminded us of previous ‘normal’ years at PMPS!
The Saturday ‘Scary or Fairy’ book day, organised by Mrs Brown was such a positive event, and we thank the large number of community members who turned out in support. We have missed special occasions such as ‘Special Ladies’ and ‘Special Blokes’ days which were unable to take place owing to lockdowns and Alert Levels, and being able to share our school with the community on Saturday was a huge pleasure!
On Sunday, 25 Pigeon Mountain runners attended the Auckland Kids’ Marathon to complete their 42.2km marathon distance. These children had been training for over 6 months for the event, and shared a special Sunday morning with over 14,000 others who were participating in the various distances on offer to runners and walkers.
Events like these remind us how lucky we are in NZ to be living a relatively ‘normal’ existence, when conditions in most countries around the world would not allow such gatherings to happen. They also remind us not to take such occasions for granted, and to cherish them!
Staffing Changes

Trudi Stevenson
We are sad to be announcing the departure of a number of teachers who will be leaving for new roles and jobs at the end of the current school year. Team Titoki leader Mrs Trudi Stevenson will be heading to Somerville Intermediate to commence a role within the Specialist Arts team. Trudi has a huge love for all aspects of performing and visual arts in education, and this role will enable her to focus on sharing this immense passion with intermediate students.
Mrs Samantha Jonson will also be leaving us at the end of the year. Sam was out of school during 2020 after welcoming her son River at the end of 2019. She has made the decision to pause full-time teaching for the time-being, but we hope to see her back in the not too distant future!
As we farewell some teachers, we also welcome new colleagues to our school.

Nicola Daniels
Mrs Nicola Daniels has been appointed to commence her work with us from the start of the 2021 year. Nicola has recently returned from Singapore where she was working for 4 years in the Australian International School. She has also recently completed a Post-graduate qualification in Education Guidance and Counselling.

Maria Hallis
Ms Maria Hallis has joined us from a far more local school- BBI. Maria has been teaching at our neighbouring school for 6 years, and is seeking to utilise her many skills as a teacher in Primary school.
Dates for Your Diary
Mon 2 Nov – Scholastic Book Fair OPENS
Tues 3 Nov – Team Photos
Weds 4 Nov – Athletics Day
Fri 6 Nov – Athletics Saving Day
Thu 19 Nov – BBI Orientation Day
Fri 20 Nov – HPPA Interschool Athletics
Tues 1 Dec – Parent Evening Digital Citizenship
Thu 3 Dec – Parent Helpers Afternoon Tea
Fri 4 Dec – Year 1-3 Prizegiving
Wed 9 Dec – All Comers Christmas Choir
Fri 11 Dec – Senior Prizegiving
Sat 12 Dec – PTA Ice Skating Fundraiser
Mon 14 Dec – Year 6 Leavers Disco
Tues 15 Dec – Last Day of School 3pm finish
Weds 3 February 2021 – Start of Term One
BOT News
Next meeting Thursday 19th November 2020
PTA News
Next Meeting Tuesday 24 November at 7.30pm
Thank you everyone for your support with the PJ mufti day it was a great success. Remember we have ice block Fridays on the tiger turf, we would appreciate it if you could please have the correct change for the day. Just a little reminder, the people helping are volunteers, we have 4 awesome school values and we are Education with a Heart. Please remember this when you purchase your ice block.
Sunscreen sales – with the weather brightening up it’s time to really get active and apply that sunscreen. It’s easy with our current fundraiser. Once you logo on as a parent/guardian you will be given a unique code for your child, when you make your purchase you should receive an email response including your child’s details and code. Forward this email onto family, friends associates whoever to purchase the sunscreen and help us fundraise for new seating in the hall. Remember the class that sells the most gets a free Pizza Lunch. So please get ordering.
Any questions contact Rose
Thanks Everyone. Stay Sun Smart
Welcome to
Larissa Labuschagne, Aiden Stewart, Mahir Behal, Prisha Arora, Harjas Arora, Damian Maynard, Rui Qu, Rosalyn Hua and Nathan Wilson