From the Principal
Term 3 closes this Thursday at 3pm. As with Terms 1 and 2, it was not without disruption!
For the third term this year, our teachers and students coped with a lockdown, and the challenge of continuing learning in the face of absence from school.
Without exception, our staff, students and community have lived and breathed our 4 school values of Responsibility, Respect, Resilience and Excellence. Everyone has played their own part in maintaining our school’s standards, and preserving the ‘Pigeon Mountain normal’ in our classrooms and playgrounds. Thank you for playing your part.
Enjoy the upcoming holiday break. We hope it allows you to take time to reconnect with your family and friends, and to recharge your batteries ahead of the final term of 2020!
Safety at School
We have noticed that a number of students are not being collected at 3pm, but are being told to stay on the school site and playground until the arrival of their parents. This is not appropriate. Please ensure that your child is collected at the end of the day or that they make their way to a supervised place such as home or childcare. Children remaining on our site are NOT supervised, and school is not responsible should they have an accident or injury.
Children who are uncollected should come to the school office- we understand that traffic, emergencies, delays happen from time to time, and we are happy to look after children in these circumstances!
Staff Changes
We say goodbye to Megan Holt who is expecting a baby soon and we welcome Alecia Eden in Room 22 for the remainder of this year.
We say farewell to Brianna de Jonge who starts a New Entrant class at Wakaaranga School next term. Brianna has been part of the PMPS teaching team since 2010 and will be sadly missed by her ESOL students and colleagues. Similarly we say farewell to Stephanie van Wijk who moves into a Year One class at another local school.
Dates for your Diary
22 September PTA meeting 7.30pm
24 September End of Term 3 at 3pm
12 October Term 4 Starts
14 October ICAS Science
15 October ICAS Digital Technologies
21 October ICAS Maths
22 October ICAS English
22 October BOT meeting 7pm
BOT News
Next meeting Thursday 22nd October at 7pm
PTA News

Welcome to
Lucy Wu, Rikuto Aoyama
School Lunches
Commencing Term 4!
ezlunch lunch orders through Kindo Shop – Available Monday, Wednesday & Friday!
Commencing Monday 12 October, you can order hot and cold meals, sushi, snacks and more through the Kindo Shop. Just one login for every school payment.
You can order (or cancel) any time before 9 am on the day or schedule in advance. Your lunch will be delivered to the school in time for lunch. Our ezlunch supplier is: Daily Lunch and Catering. Details about ordering lunches and menus will be advertised during the school holidays.
Road Patrol
We require help with road patrol on Friday mornings for Term 4. If you are able to help out please contact the school office.
Community Notices
Bizzy Bodz – Holiday Programme September/October
If your child is interested in playing chess please visit and click Parents Centre
Bucklands Beach Tennis Club, Rogers Park, Jern Place, Eastern Beach
JUNIOR SEASON opens on Saturday October 10th (until end Term 2, 2021)
Times to choose from –
- Wed 3:30 to 4:30 pm – 8/Under
- Wed 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm – 9 to 12years
- Friday 4pm to 5pm – 8/Under
- Saturday 9am to 10:30 pm – 7 to 12 years.
To enrol go to BBTC.CO.NZ and follow membership/registration prompt.
Guitar Lessons
Bucklands Beach Sailing – Junior Learn to Sail