Dear Pigeon Mountain Community


We learned this afternoon that we would be re-opening school for face to face learning on Monday.


This means that our distance learning programmes will close on Friday and classes reopen on Monday 31st August.


As with the previous period in Level 2, we strongly request that parents and caregivers remain outside of the school gates at the start and end of the day. Have confidence in your children that they developed huge levels of independence and responsibility during this time and they will be able to rediscover it for a second time. We ask you to consider the safety and wellbeing of both our students and staff by remaining at the school boundary at 8.40am and again at 2.50pm.


Parents who are not able to remain at the gate will be required to sign in to the site using our contact tracing form or the COVID tracer app which will be displayed at all monitored entrances and exits. Parents will NOT be allowed in any learning spaces for the duration of Alert Level 2.

任何不能保持在校外接送的家长,每天必须通过使用NZ COVID Tracer新西兰新冠疫情追踪应用APP,在每次进出校园时签到。我们将会在学校出入口张贴有相关的学校追踪二维码的海报。在全国二级预警下,所有家长不允许进入任何教室等学习区域。

As previously, we will be using heightened hygiene practices in school and will continue to use our school values to focus our students on their own health, as well as that of others.


He Waka Eke Noa! 同心协力,共克时艰!


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